Business for the greater good

We donate all our profits to the public benefit

Commons Caretakers is not just a regular company. We donate our profit (all of it) to NLnet Foundation. This is not just a promise, but something that was clear from the very start. In fact we put this in the founding status, in a very legal and binding way. In fiscal terms, we are a "Fiscaal Fondsenwervende Instelling", which allows us to donate 100% of our profit to support the work of the foundation and the projects it supports.

What we do

We help connect people that want to contribute financially to open source, open content, open educational resources, open hardware to the communities around those efforts. The amount you allow us to invoice you for, is spent under community governance on open source developers that generously share their work with the world under open licences that allow unlimited use and reuse. For selecting the best projects, we work together with The Commons Conservancy and its Programmes.

"Pay it forward"

Some people dedicate their lives to creating awesome technology, ideas, content, design and education materials for their fellow humans. Those creators get nothing in return, apart from a better quality of life for everyone. When you are thankful for the precious open efforts we all benefit from every day, and you want enable more of this social wealth to be created, we can help you 'pay it forward'.


  • Director: Bob Goudriaan
  • Liaison to The Commons Conservancy: Michiel Leenaars
  • Finance: Patricia Otter

If you want to know more, visit us:

Commons Caretakers BV
Science Park 400
1098 XH Amsterdam
The Netherlands